(Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions) chief spirit of evil and adversary of God; tempter of mankind; master of Hell.
Examples for "Old Nick "
Examples for "Old Nick "
1 I think Old Nick ought to be Viscount Van, for alliteration sake.
2 So the dialogue opens between Old Nick and Nichol in the approved fashion:
3 Marks are still in the hillock last trod by Old Nick .
4 My dear Mr. Osborne, I am not afraid of the Old Nick himself.
5 And leave Old Nick unable to get through his fiery gate?
1 The Devil first appears in theology in these two forms of faith.
2 The Devil had played an important part in mythology in all times.
3 And in this way the Recitation was purified of the Devil 's work.
4 In hell, Senora, the Devil is the leader of the best society.
5 Nobody sees the Devil but those who have faith in the Devil .
1 With words that rang prophetic, El cursed the form Lucifer had taken.
2 I just rescued Lucifer three months ago, and he's really skittish still.
3 Was it possible, he wondered now, that Lucifer had done something similar?
4 It means hidden knowledge, esoteric mysteries, sometimes associated with Lucifer , Light Bearer.
5 Before anyone could venture a guess, Lucifer answered the question for them.
1 The Yattering fumbled for the special word it had heard Beelzebub use.
2 I always think of Beelzebub , who was the prince of the flies.
3 Then Lucifer stood up, and said: 'The counsel of Beelzebub is pertinent.
4 She heard thunder clapping between her ears and Beelzebub scratchin' a fiddle.
5 Pâté de foi gras is the devil, but caviare is Beelzebub himself.
1 Let us go home, my friends, and wrestle in prayer against the Tempter .
2 To buy Dr. Faustus's eternal damnation cost the Tempter the essential knowledge of mankind.
3 But just in that happy moment the Tempter gets in.
4 That way, whispered the Tempter , was too straight and simple.
5 Death, the Tempter , pointed homeward, to the grave of her dead parents in Combe-Raven churchyard.
1 And in his inverted theology God was really the Prince of Darkness .
2 Even Quasi, the feline Prince of Darkness , would be a welcome sight.
3 The army of the Lord and the army of the Prince of Darkness .
4 Forget forever those horrid hymns offered to the Prince of Darkness .
5 If all succeeds, it will mean an entire town - everyone - worshiping the Prince of Darkness .
1 Hundreds of years ago before the Children of Satan destroyed his castle.
2 And Satan rose up against Israel: and moved David to number Israel.
3 Thank you, Lord Satan , she said, not entirely pleased at this dismissal.
4 No wonder Satan doesn't want us to learn the truth about Heaven.
5 Far more likely it was the handiwork of one of Satan 's avatars.
6 The far-reaching schemes of Satan to pollute the Press and the Pen.
7 And then Satan himself is chained and fastened securely in the abyss.
8 The eye of the woman damned languourously seeks Satan among the myrtles.
9 In one form it is raised by the question of Satan , i.
10 We play too important a role in the scheme of Satan 's plans.
11 She will drag up the heathen world; she will drag down Satan .
12 And few true Satan worshippers can bear to look at a cross.
13 The God of peace tread Satan under your feet in short time.
14 Unfortunately for the Hierarchy, it's also one of the names of Satan .
15 Behind the sweet form of the angel, the grinning face of Satan .
16 The hotel informed Satan his credit card had been reported as stolen.
Other examples for "Satan"
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